Claire, Merwie and Indie

Claire, Merwie and Indie

1st December 2022

Ahhhh Lisa! I actually dread to think of where I would be without you. After battling terrible colic and an early sleep regression, our little Indie wouldn't sleep any longer than half an hour during the day and was awake every hour in the night. Bad habits were formed out of pure exhaustion (sleeping on the breast, dummy, rocking or being held to sleep, me sleeping upright while holding her!)

We live in Zambia and our families are stuck overseas due to covid, this is our first child and we were just overwhelmed and lost, Indie was not an easy baby at all!

Extreme exhaustion and fatigue were taking over when we reached out to Lisa for help. I really thought our little girl was going to put Lisa to the test! Lisa took it all in her stride, with a Taylor-made plan for our little girl and ongoing support (from the other side of the world!)

​Indie is now a sleep champ! It is comforting to know she is getting all the feeds and nutrients she needs to get her through the night. I cannot thank Lisa enough for giving us our lives back and giving us our happy girl back! Anyone that is struggling and reading this, don't wait to let it get really bad, Lisa will be there every step of the way! Thank you thank you thank you!